Mathematical Methods in Physics and Engineering John Dettman

Mathematical Methods in Physics and Engineering John Dettman

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Language: English Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
Subject: History ISBN:


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Product Information
Intended for college-level physics, engineering, or mathematics students, this volume offers an algebraically based approach to various topics in applied math. It is accessible to undergraduates with a good course in calculus which includes infinite series and uniform convergence. Exercises follow each chapter to test the student's grasp of the material; however, the author has also included exercises that extend the results to new situations and lay the groundwork for new concepts to be introduced later. A list of references for further reading will be found at the end of each chapter. For this second revised edition, Professor Dettman included a new section on generalized functions to help explain the use of the Dirac delta function in connection with Green's functions. In addition, a new approach to series solutions of ordinary differential equations has made the treatment independent of complex variable theory. This means that the first six chapters can be grasped without prior knowledge of complex variables. However, since Chapter 8 depends heavily on analytic functions of a complex variable, a new Chapter 7 on analytic function theory has been written.

Product Identifiers
Publisher Dover Publications, Incorporated
ISBN-10 0486656497
ISBN-13 9780486656496
eBay Product ID (ePID) 995567

Product Key Features
Format Trade Paperback
Publication Year 2011
Language English

Weight 16.6 Oz
Width 5.5in.
Height 0.9in.
Length 8.5in.

Additional Product Features
Dewey Edition 19
Table of Content PrefaceCHAPTER 1. Linear Algebra1.1 Linear Equations. Summation Convention1.2 Matrices1.3 Determinants1.4 Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations. Rank of a Matrix1.5 Vector Spaces1.6 Scalar Product1.7 Orthonormal Basis. Linear Transformations1.8 Quadratic Forms. Hermitian Forms1.9 Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations. Vibration Problems1.10 Linear ProgrammingCHAPTER 2. Hilbert Spaces2.1 Infinite-dimensional Vector Spaces. Function Spaces2.2 Fourier Series2.3 Separable Hilbert Spaces2.4 The Projection Theorem2.5 Linear Functionals2.6 Weak Convergence2.7 Linear Operators2.8 Completely Continuous OperatorsCHAPTER 3. Calculus of Variations3.1 Maxima and Minima of Functions. Lagrange Multipliers3.2 Maxima and Minima of Functionals. Euler's Equation3.3 Hamilton's Principle. Lagrange's Equations3.4 Theory of Small Vibrations3.5 The Vibrating String3.6 Boundary-value Problems of Mathematical Physics3.7 Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions3.8 Eigenfunction Expansions3.9 Upper and Lower Bounds for EigenvaluesCHAPTER 4. Boundary-value Problems. Separation of Variables4.1 Orthogonal Coordinate Systems. Separation of Variables4.2 Sturm-Liouville Problems4.3 Series Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations4.4 Series Solutions of Boundary-value ProblemsCHAPTER 5. Boundary-value Problems. Green's Functions5.1 Nonhomogeneous Boundary-value Problems5.2 One-dimensional Green's Functions5.3 Generalized Functions5.4 Green's Functions in Higher Dimensions5.5 Problems in Unbounded Regions5.6 A Problem in Diffraction TheoryCHAPTER 6. Integral Equations6.1 Integral-equation Formulation of Boundary-value Problems6.2 Hilbert-Schmidt Theory6.3 Fredholm Theory6.4 Integral Equations of the First KindCHAPTER 7. Analytic Function Theory7.1 Introduction7.2 Analytic Functions7.3 Elementary Functions7.4 Complex Integration7.5 Integral Representations7.6 Sequences and Series7.7 Series Representations of Analytic Functions7.8 Contour Integration7.9 Conformal Mapping7.10 Potential TheoryCHAPTER 8. Integral Transform Methods8.1 Fourier Transforms8.2 Applications of Fourier Transforms. Ordinary Differential Equations8.3 Applications of Fourier Transforms. Partial Differential Equations8.4 Applications of Fourier Transforms. Integral Equations8.5 Laplace Transforms. Applications8.6 Other Transform TechniquesIndex
Illustrated Yes
Dewey Decimal 510
Target Audience College Audience
Series Dover Books ON Physics Ser.
Copyright Date 1988
Author John w. Dettman
Number of Pages 448 Pages
Edition Description Reprint,New Edition
Lc Classification Number Qa37.2.D47
Lccn 87-033229